Welcome to CounselCounsel.com the net presence of PALMS, Practicing Attorneys Liability Management Society, Inc. Please take a moment to see who we are and what we do. Then tell us how we can assist you!

Our Mission

Born from a risk management background, our group assists lawyers, bar associations, the judiciary, disciplinary counsel and the public in ensuring that legal services are provided not only ethically and efficiently, but with dignity, clarity and civility as befits a society governed by law. We strive to accomplish these objectives through education rather than coercion, assistance rather than judgment and vigilance rather than complacency. Our core belief is that enlightenment for both attorneys and their clients brings forth a spirit of cooperation that benefits individuals and society at large.

Company Profile

PALMS organizes the work of many independent consultants under one umbrella to provide structure, consistency and efficiencies to their work. The group consists of both lawyers and lay people from very specialized backgrounds, including but not limited to:

  • lawyers specializing in the defense of legal malpractice claims
  • lawyers who serve as disciplinary counsel
  • actuaries with experience in rating, underwriting and claims handling
  • insurance professionals with special experience in legal liability
  • consultants in risk management who have served many state bar associations
  • lawyers with experience in the handling of assistance programs for lawyers with stress or chemical dependencies

These individuals are not just specialists, they are considered by their peers to be amongst the best in their fields. Beyond that however, these individuals have given much back to their professions and have a deep commitment to assisting the goals of helping lawyers and their clients.

Contact Information

We are proud of the flexibility of our services. We serve many different sectors of the legal community, from individuals (attorneys, their staff and clients) to state bar associations and even court disciplinary staff. Tell us your need and we will develop a plan to serve you.



Postal Address
P.O. Box 949, Montrose, California 91021-0949
